Course Syllabus

Course Description / Overview:

This is a preview of a high school level Algebra 2 class. We cover topics that are usually taught during the first 1-2 months of school. Students must have completed Algebra 1.


Class Goals/Outcomes:

  • Students will explore 6 topics that are usually taught during the first 1-2 months in school.
  • Students will have chance to review some essential topics in Algebra 1 that are directly leading into new topics in Algebra 2. This is especially helpful for students who just finished taking Geometry.
  • Students will be more prepared in fall when they start taking Algebra 2 in school.


Course Outline:

Day 1 Functions & Transformations
Day 2 Quadratic Equations Part 1
Day 3 Complex Number
Day 4 Quadratic Equations Part 2
Day 5 Polynomials Part 1
Day 6 Polynomials Part 2
Day 7 Trigonometry
Day 8 Unit Circle


Student Expectations / Classroom Policies:

  • There will be lectures in each day. Students are expected to take notes and to try problems given.
  • The class is structured to have approximately 30 minutes of teaching, 40 minutes of working on problems and 20 minutes of Q & A. Students are expected to be online with camera on during the entire time and be engaged.
  • Students are expeccted to login during the first 5 minutes of class so that we can utilize the full 1 hour and 30 minutes of class.
  • Handouts in pdf format will be available on Canvas a day before each lesson so that students can preview them and/or print them out, if needed. It's the student's responsibility to check those files on canvas daily.
  • There is no homework for this class. Students will be given practice problems to work on during class time. Answers will be given to students near the end of the class meeting. 


What Should I bring to Class?

  • Students are expected to have either notebook or binder paper to take notes and do practice problems. Other supplies needed are pencil, eraser, ruler and scientific calculator. A few pieces of graph paper maybe helpful.